RCA E13710
Less than 1 minute
- Check Thermistor (THP601) - Poor Solder Connection
- Shuts off + wont switch on
- Relay 601 contacts open. Replace relay. 100V coil
- IC601 (voltage too high), C605 leads too short and contact with P.C. board
- Replace HV resistor
- No replay action. Relay volt low. Sometimes alternate sleep + timer light flashes C605 weak
- Distorted sound
- Remove MTS MOS (Bx1458) replace with 2.47MFD 50V
- Dead
- HV Transistor 2SC5148 shorted, +2 transistor shorted Q801, Q802 2SC4834 + R607 1/2 resistor open, C614 shorted
- Flyback shorted (fuse + HV transistor ok).
- Picture shakey
- HV lead unplugged inside flyback. Push back in until it snaps in
- No Raster
- CRT voltage missing from plug
- No high voltage
- IC201 (T0A8302) + R258 100ohm resistor open
- No sound
- MM201 replace sound decoder circuit SBX 1637-11
- No Video, screen black, occasional red outline of picture
- IC301 (CXA2133BS)
- Blows fuse, Q601 MN8303 shorted
- R608 150ohm open
- Dead STRS6301
- 2SD1878 can be stuffed with 2SC4927 short version
- Clicks on+off no sound on picture Q608
- Leakage between E+B 2SA954 (ES6290)