Toshiba 13A21RGB mod your Toshiba 13A21, 19A21 CRTs. This RGB mod only works with earlier versions of Toshiba CRTs.SuntharAbout 2 minCRT RGB modToshiba 13A21Toshiba 19A21
Sony KV (BA-4D) 27S42 RGBRGB mod your Sony KV-27S42 based Sony CRT.About 4 minCRT RGB modCRT component modKV-27S42
Toshiba 27AF42RGB mod your Toshiba 27AF42. This RGB mod is for 27" Toshiba AF-series CRTs.MarkOZLADAbout 1 minCRT RGB mod
Toshiba 14AF42RGB mod your Toshiba 14AF42 CRTs. This RGB mod is for 14" Toshiba AF-series CRTs.Joseph Indovina (pics)Sunthar (article)About 2 minCRT RGB modToshiba 14AF42
Sansui TVM1316BRGB mod your Sansui TVM1316B CRTs. This RGB mod only works with earlier versions of Toshiba CRTs.SuntharAbout 2 minCRT RGB modSansui TVM1316B
Sony KV (BA-4D) 20S90 RGBRGB and component mod your Sony KV-20S90 or any BA-4D chassis based Sony CRT.SuntharAbout 3 minCRT RGB modKV-13M42KV-20M42KV-20S90KV-20S42KV-27V42KV-27S42
Sony KV-1370R (Grey)Fixing the beautiful Sony KV-1370R audio issue. Fix also applies to KV-1365R and possibly other sets with similar audio amps.SuntharAbout 3 min
Sony KV (AA-2) 27V20RGB mod your Sony KV-27V20, KV-27V22, KV-27S22 or any AA-2 chassis based Sony CRT.SuntharAbout 3 minCRT RGB mod
Sony KV (AA-2D) 32V40RGB mod your Sony KV-32V40, KV-32S40, KV-32S45, KV-35V65 or any AA-2D chassis based Sony CRT.Advaned Video, LousianaAbout 3 minCRT RGB mod