CRT re-capping
Less than 1 minute
Replace the old CRT capacitors!
In this section we will learn how to replace capacitors for a CRT TV.
How to choose the replacement capacitors?
- Check for the brand that you prefer (Rubycon or Nichicon is recommeded for Toshiba)
- Check the diameter of the capacitor to make sure it is of the exact same size
- Low Impedance capacitor lasts longer in CRT (according to RetroTech guy)
- Capacitors with temperature rating 105 C or higher will last longer
- Get capacitors with a minimum of 5000 hours+ of lifecycle hours if possible
- No need to get the automobile rated capacitors
- No need to replace capacitors that are already rated 105 C. I have found them to be reliable and probably not worth replacing them.
- No need to replace all capacitors.
- Mark all the capacitors that were replaced with a red marker (for future use)
Where to order them?
I personally use Digikey. Mouser or others can also be used. Definitely don't use ebay, AliExpress or anything that ships from China. Lots of fakes! Fakes are worse than cheaper brands! I learned this the hardway.
Tools needed
- Hakko Desoldering Iron
- Solder