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Sharp 27L-S100

Ivan LaCoursiereAbout 3 minCRT RGB mod

Sharp 27L-S100 CRT RGB mod

This tutorial covers the RGB mod for Sharp 27L-S100. These instructions should also work for other SN91 chassis based Shartp CRTs.


CRT safety


You can die doing this! So read carefully! CRT TV is not a toy. Do not open a CRT TV. If you don't have any prior knowledge about handling high voltage devices, this guide is not for you. CRT TV contains high enough voltage (20,000+ V) and current to be deadly, even when it is turned off.


Plan of attack



Sometimes it is nice to know the theory behind the mod. I have put this on a separate page. This shows how the various resistor values are calculated.


Service manuals


Sharp 27L-S100

  • Manufactured: February 1999, New Jersey
  • NTSC, 60 Hz
  • Chassis: SN91
  • Tube: A68ADT25X03
  • Jungle Chip: IX3253CE
  • OSD Chip: IX3256CE


IX3253CE Chroma Chip img

Mux diagram

If you are building your own circuit, this diagram should help


RGB external resistor value and Blanking voltage

Love it when we can put theories to use! Formula from our theory page!

For this particular mod we are going to use diodes inline to prevent signal reflection.


RGB external resistor value = 0.7 x (6800 + 75) - (75 x (5 - 0.7)) / (5 - 0.7 - 0.7) = (4812 - 322) / 3.6 = 1247 ohm

~ 1.2 Kohm resistors should do the job.

For this particular set, we are also going to use 220Ω termination resistance instead of the standard 75Ω resistance to achieve proper contrast levels.

We can find that chroma chip blanks at a voltage slightly higher than 1.5V using the existing resistance values used for voltage dividing. 6.8kΩ and 3.3kΩ. Since we are going to add a diode inline, we need to compensate for that voltage drop. We have to replace the 3.3kΩ resistor with a 4.2k achieve the same voltage levels. At 1.6V, OSD gain will be correct and allow the external RGB input on pin 15-17.

Performing the mod

Now that you roughly know what needs to be done, prepare for the mod. Place the board on a comfortable place. Make sure you are not putting pressure on the flyback or other components.


STEP 1: Remove the following components

Remove the following components. RGB resistors to the ground. Measure twice and mark before you remove.

  • R803 (2.2 kΩ)
  • R804 (2.2 kΩ)
  • R805 (2.2 kΩ)


STEP 2: Connect RGBs, Blanking and Audio

Coax cable was used for this particular mod. This is optional and only needed if you care every bit about the interference. Using the standard unshielded ribbon cable should be sufficient, however that might not always work well.


Make sure to install inline diodes on R, G, B and another diode on blanking right after the 6.8kΩ resistor to reduce signal noise.

Below picture was taken before and after adding the diodes.

prepare for diodesAdd diodes

STEP 3: Build your mux board

Below mod uses the RGB mux board. This is optional, but will make your mod easier and stable. You can also create the circuit presented in the schematics above without the board. Please also checkout the precalculated resistor values.

Buy your RGB mux board

TV Model27L-S10013L-M100
remove ground resistors (on chassis)2.2kΩ1.8kΩ
3x RGB inline diodes (on chassis)1N41481N4148
1x blank inline diode (on chassis)1N41481N4148
RGB termination (R1, R2, R3)220Ω220Ω
RGB inline resistors (R4, R5, R6)1.2kΩ1.2kΩ
Audio LR (R7, R8)1kΩ1kΩ
Diode (R9)1N41481N4148
Blanking Resistor (R11)6.8kΩ6.8kΩ
Replace R802 (3.3kΩ)4.2kΩ4.2kΩ

Buy your RGB mux board

SCART creating an outlineSharp SCART port cutout

STEP 4: Attach the female SCART connector to TV

Creating a SCART cutout and mounting it is an art. There is a dedicated section for it.

SCART creating an outlineSharp SCART port cutoutSCART creating an outlineSharp SCART port cutout

After attaching the RGB mux board

SCART creating an outlineSharp SCART port cutout

Remote Control for this TV


Getting into service menu

While pressing the Vol-up and Ch-up buttons at the sametime, plug the AC cord into a wall socket.


PS2 games

Castlevania img

Naughty Dog img

Crash Bandicoot img


SMPTE pattern img


Bonded yoke img

Neck board img

Finished CRT

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