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Toshiba CF19G32

SuntharAbout 3 minCRT RGB mod

Toshiba CF19G32 CRT RGB mod

img Captured from RGB modded NES

CRT safety


You can die doing this! So read carefully! CRT TV is not a toy. Do not open a CRT TV. If you don't have any prior knowledge about handling high voltage devices, this guide is not for you. CRT TV contains high enough voltage (20,000+ V) and current to be deadly, even when it is turned off.


Plan of attack



Sometimes it is nice to know the theory behind the mod. I have put this on a separate page. This shows how the various resistor values are calculated.



Toshiba CF19G32

  • Manufactured: Made in Thailand, May 2001
  • NTSC, 60 Hz
  • Chassis: CF19G32
  • Tube: Toshiba A48KZL70X
  • OSD Chip: TMP87CM34BN
  • Jungle Chip: TA1223AN

Service manuals


Get hold of the schematics for your TV. Understand where the RGB and Fast Blanking signals go from OSD to the Jungle (Chroma) chip.

img Jungle Chip ^

img OSD Chip ^

img Mux Diagram ^

Performing the mod

STEP 1: Remove the following components

Remove the three 1.2 kΩ, RGB resistors to ground

  • RR90
  • RR91
  • RR92

STEP 2: Remove jumpers and install diodes

Remove jumpers 035, 036 and 037. Install diodes (1N4148) in those locations instead. Pay attention to the direction of the diodes. This will prevent the current from going into the OSD, creating a reflection in signal, that causes interference.


STEP 3: Connect RGBs

Points where the R, G, B and Blank (brown) wires should be connected. Ignore the colors of the wires. I used a shielded wire for this mod. R, G, B wires were not individually shielded. However, there were absolutely no intereference noticed.


STEP 4: Hook up blanking and Audio

Routed the wires from the top of the board to the bottom side. Some holes were covered with solder. Removed it to expose the holes and routed the wires through them.

Purple and black wires were routed to ground. Yellow wire to composite input pin. White wire to audio left. Gray wire to audio right.


STEP 5: Build your mux circuit

Below mod uses the RGB mux board. This is optional, but will make your mod easier and stable. You can also create the circuit presented in the schematics above without the board. Please also checkout the precalculated resistor values.

I had to use a RGB tuner gadget I made to find the right balance for RGB termination. It was found using a 150Ω to 180Ω resistor gave the best vibrancy of colors.

Buy your RGB mux board

TV ModelCF19G32RGB Mux Board Notes
RGB inline resistors4.7kΩRA22, RA23, RA24
Ground resistors1.2kΩRR90, RR91, RR92 (removed from chassis)
RGB termination180ΩR4, R5, R6 (measured using the tuner)
Audio LR1kΩR7, R8 (1 kΩ resistor present on the board)
Blanking inline5.6kΩR9 (CRT internal 5.6kΩ resistor for 2.5V)
Blanking groundopenR10 (CRT internal grounding resistor is used)
Csync 75ΩopenR12 (75Ω terminated in the CRT)

Buy your RGB mux board

STEP 6: Attach the female SCART connector to TV

Creating a SCART cutout and mounting it is an art. I have a dedicated section for it.

SCART connector mounted img

SCART connector img

How to create and mount a SCART female plug?



SNES Metroid - OSD Overlay img

SEGA Genesis - Sonic img

XBOX - UnleashX img

SNES - Super Mario World img

SNES - Super Mario World img

PS2 - GTA San Andreas img

NES - Donkey Kong img


240p - Grid img

Other pictures

Main Chassis img

Neck Board img

Tube img

Service Menu

Press Mute on the remote and press Menu on the CRT to enter Service Mode

Press Menu again on the CRT for options. CH buttons to change option. VOL buttons to increase/decrease values

  • AUD - 00H
  • HPOS - 19H
  • VPOS - 05H
  • HIT - 1DH
  • RCUT - 7CH (default)
  • GCUT - 42H (default)
  • BCUT - 6AH (default)
  • GRDV - 6DH (default)
  • BDRV - 82H (default)
  • BRTC - 38H

Design mode

Press Recall on the remote and press Menu on the CRT to enter Design Mode

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